Top 10 Carbs helps to lose weight

Top 10 Carbs helps to lose weight

Top 10 Carbs helps to lose weight

If you are trying to lose weight and cutting out carbs then you are wrong. We've been brainwashed to believe that carbs will make you fat and that you should stay away from it. Well that's not true because all carbs are not created equal.
Top 10 Carbs helps to lose weight

Just take a look at this picture everything here are carbs. If your diet is filled with low quality and no nutrients, then you will eatmore and gain weight. However high quality carbs are packed with nutrients and slow digesting. Adding these carbs into your diet can help to speed up metabolism burn fat. And also help you to lose weight I like to call them smart carbs. What are smart carbs they are extremely nutrient dense and they are high in fiber which helps to improve your digestion they and stabilized blood sugar. They will sustain your energy level which help you to feel fuller for much longer. They will improve your physical performance and not be highly refined.

10 smart crabs you should be adding into your diet 

1. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato in comparison to normal potato. Sweet potatoes are less starchy and contain less calories. They are superior when it comes to the vitamin A content a carbs of. Cooked sweet potato contains three thousand times the amount of vitamin A as a potato it is also naturally sweet which means you can add them into your diet without any additional. Sweet potatoes give energy boost and to satisfy my muscles but that doesn't mean you should completely avoid irregular potatoes because they are still packed with nutrients and fiber consume them in moderation and they can be part of your healthy diet.

2. Bananas

Bananas are very rich in potassium and also rich in glucose a highly digestible sugar which provides quick energy. Hence it is always the number one snack choice for endurance based activity such as running a marathon just consuming two bananas prior to your workout can help you to sustain up to 90 minutes of steady. Paced cardio the low GI and high fiber also means carbs are slowly released into your body avoiding sugar crashes and spurring the muscle recovery process. So you should add a banana to improve your workout and improve digestive health.

3. Squash

Squash whether it's butternut, pumpkin or acorn. Squash I mean 100 grams of baked squash has only 37 calories and loaded with vitamin A, C and calcium I think food rich in vitamin C can help enhancing your workout performance and reduce fatigue. That means your body will become more efficient in burning fats and you know calcium is extremely important for bone. It is also high in antioxidants which will help you to maintain your youthful appearance their delicious roasted added onto salad or blended to make creamy soups or stew. They are perfect all year round and because they are so low in calories but packed with nutrients it is hard to overeat and you should add them into your diet.

4. Oats

It is low in GI and high in fiber. A bowl of oats for breakfast can last you to lunch without feeling peckish due to majority of the fiber. A soluble fiber just think of it like a sponge it absorbs water expense in the stomach hence keeping you fuller for longer. Eating low GI carbs causes a steady rise in your blood sugar which will be used for immediate energy rather than being stored as body fats choose pure rolled oats and add your own toppings. Nuts and seeds fruits or cinnamon powder should be avoid those instant oatmeal which tend to have flavoring and sweeteners.

5. Quinoa

I'm sure you must have heard of this super green vine. Now it is incredibly popular because it contains all 9 essential amino acids which our body needs to build and maintain lean muscles. The more lean muscles you have the more calories you burn which means quicker weight loss. Every carbs of cooked quinoa contains 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber with no saturated fats it also gluten-free. Start adding quinoa into your diet anf have it for breakfast or lunch but reduce meat consumption.

6. Buckwheat

Just like quinoa buckwheat is gluten free and it's a complete source of protein despite its name buckwheat is not related to read and it is not a grain. The edible portion is a seed from a plant related to greens like rhubarb instead of consuming pasta. Try replacing with buckwheat noodles also known as soba noodles. Traditional pasta is made from refined flour which tends to be higher in calories carbs and sugar on the other hand soba noodles have less calories high in fiber and protein each carbs of cooked. soba noodles will reduce your calorie intake and you will lose weight.

7. Barley

Barley is smartcarbs this underrated grain is one of the world's oldest super foods containing all the essential nutrients. It is also a killer appetite suppressant which help to reduce your cravings due to anti inflammation properties. It will feel lighter and satisfied if you eat barley and it will not make you feel bloated. By replacing rice with barley you can make stir-fry barley rice, risotto barley soup or stew or toss it onto salads. Barley contain even more nutrients you will be getting 20 to 25 percent of your daily fiber needs in one serving.

8. Black Beans

Black beans beans are a great source of protein which are packed with fiber, half a carbs of boiled black beans have 120 calories 20 2.5 grams of carbs 7.5 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. They are also rich in folate a big vitamin. The Phils muscle growth and copper which strengthens the tendons. They are rich in soluble fiber which aid in reducing visceral fats the fat that accumulates around the belly area which can also lead to diabetes heart disease and other illnesses. So big eaters have 23% lower risk of expanding waist lines and 22% lower risk of being obese. Beans are also a really cheap source of protein making it an excellent choice for plant-based eaters or also meat eaters buy the low-sodium version or rinse your beans to reduce the sodium content before eating them.

9. Amaranth

Amaranth this super green has a lot of similarities to quinoa it has high in fiber high in protein and it's gluten free one cup of cooked amaranth has 252 calories 46 grams of carbs 5 grams of dietary fiber and 9 grams of protein compared to white rice at 45 grams of cups. Only 1.2 grams of dietary fiber and 4.2 grams of protein. So it is a much better option compared to rice although MRF is a planet native of Peru it is now grown all across the world including countries like China, Russia, Thailand, Mexico and even Nigeria. In fact amaranth porridge is a traditional breakfast in Nepal India and even Peru. You can even pop it popped Emer n can be added onto toast and even into granola bars. So if you haven't heard of amaranth give it a try.

10. Popcorn

Popcorn is a whole grain which means it's a great source of dietary fiber. It is gluten free, sugar free and fat free. Air-popped popcorn is a great low calorie snack to include into your diet. One cup of plain air popped popcorn only has 31 calories. It has a lower calorie per unit volume compared to other snacks which makes it an ideal choice for weight loss. You will feel more satisfied when snacking on popcorn in comparison to pretzels potato chips on nachos which tend to be high in saturated fats sugar and also sweeteners. But just be aware of flavored popcorn as they will pack additional sodium sugar and fat which can ruin your diet.

I hope this idea has convinced you to add smart crabs into your diet. Even if you're on a low-carb diet. Your body needs carbs to be at its best state and to speed up weight loss. If you're constantly feeling hungry you don't feel satisfied even after a big meal or perhaps you're feeling cranky low in energy and you don't feel like your workout is improving those are signs that your body is lacking in carts. Consumed smart carbs in moderation and you will start to see the difference in your physical appearance the way you feel and you will achieve your results quicker.

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