Top 7 Foods Avoid to Lose Weight

Top 7 Foods Avoid to Lose Weight

Top 7 Foods Avoid to Lose Weight

The seven foods you should never eat or at least strive to avoid as best you can. so I'm gonna start with these foods

Top 7 Foods Avoid to Lose Weight

1. Slim Fast

Slim fast because this is something people force themselves to drink when they're trying to lose weight and be healthy but it's actually the opposite effect. So we've got sugar as the third ingredient it also has artificial sweeteners trans fats and all kinds of other toxic sludge ingredients that your body can't even digest. The ten measly grams of protein this does contain your body can't even digest and break down properly.

2. Sugar

Most of us eat way too much sugar and a lot of it is hidden sugar we don't even realize we're consuming plus the sugar that we add to our coffee and tea and other beverages. So this refined white sugar is terrible for you. It causes that big insulin spike or blood sugar spike that we know. We want to avoid if we're trying to lose weight but it's also something that's just terrible for your overall health that insulin is not the hormone that you want to have constantly flowing through your bloodstream. They've also found that when sugars break down in the body they're actually very abrasive to the inside of your blood vessels which means when we talk about clogged arteries and heart disease sugar is actually a major major player.

3. Froot Loops

The foods that list sugar as the first ingredient like the Froot Loops. I have here also fall on this list of things to avoid Froot Loops also contain artificial colors trans fats. So when you see partially hydrogenated oils that is a big thing to avoid those trans fats are terrible for you and we have other toxic sludge type ingredients like Bhd another preserve. So this is refined carbohydrates. This is full of sugar there's no fiber there's no nutrients don't eat it and please don't give it to your kids.

4. Olive Oil

So maybe you're surprised to see olive oil on this list. This is your typical store-bought olive oil and also the oil used in all your processed foods and in restaurants and fast food. So the problem is that these refined oils and it even says refined oil on the ingredient label actually lose all of the nutritional benefits that olive oil should contain. And then it becomes even less healthy for you when you cook your food in it because when you heat up an oil it changes it chemically even more. So you lose those health benefits and this actually becomes a very unhealthy food.

5. Not-fat Yogurt

Non-fat yogurt on this list because again this is something that people eat because they're trying to be healthy. The bottom line is that in order to break down the proteins contain and yogurt and other dairy products you actually need the fats that would be naturally present. So we can talk about fat-free yogurt we can talk about skim milk opt for the version with full fat. That fat not only helps to fill you up helps your body to break down the proteins but it also makes the food taste way better.

6. Canned Food

Canned foods are terrible for you but it's always gonna be healthier to eat fresh food instead of canned foods. Also understand that typically this is gonna be the lowest of the low in terms of quality of the meat that is used in the product. We also have ingredients like flavoring which doesn't even tell you what actual chemical is in it. They're also going to contain added sugar and then there are the hidden ingredients which is a chemical called bisphenol A which is actually in the lining of the cans and is found to be incredibly harmful for our health.

7. Frozen Pizza

This frozen pizza which you probably didn't need me to tell you not to eat. But I'm gonna tell you why anyway, so it's got the refined sugar we already talked about. It's got the processed oils we've already talked about it also has msg and basically this toxic sludge ingredient list that tells you this is not real food. So your body's not going to be able to digest it not gonna be able to break it down. It's not gonna give you any fiber and nutrients or anything that you need this is a quintessential empty calories worthless not even food like substance.

These is seven food you should avoid for your health. This foods will make you unhealthy in future. So if you know more about we should avoid food then comment below.

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