Top 5 Best Fruits to lose weight

Top 5 Best Fruits to lose weight

Top 5 Best Fruits to lose weight

Top 5 Best Fruits to lose weight

I've got five of the best fruits for weight loss and I'm gonna share exactly what they are in this blog and you might be surprised by at least two of them. I'm gonna share with you five of the best fruits to eat with the goal of losing weights and before we start there I need to mention that a fruit is actually really good for you. If people say hey don't use fruit if you want to lose weight it's not the best advice. What I would say, stay away from fruit juice. Now, the reason a fruit juice is an important issue especially for losing weight . There's no fiber and you're basically talking about an influx of sugar that is uncontrolled. So it's like liquid sugar coming right into your body half of is glucose. It's gonna spike your blood sugar the other half is fructose which has to go through your liver to be metabolized and converted to glucose that causes issues at the liver level spinning off nasty triglycerides and cholesterol that's why fruit juice is not the best idea.

1. Banana

Bananas are actually one of the best foods. The best fruits to have if you want to lose weight but only when they're eaten in their unripened states. Now these are kind of halfway between unripe and ripe and what you want to be looking for is if they start getting those black dots there at the ripen stage and that's the stage where there's a higher amount of sugar content inside the banana. So now we're talking with more of a high glycemic type of fruit. A fruit that's gonna rise it's gonna raise your blood sugar after reading it and if we have a rise in blood sugar insulin is a hormone that's gonna be released out of the pancreas and is gonna take all that sugar and store it in your fat cells. So that's something we want to avoid okay. Slightly green bananas are amazing and here's why they are a great source of a type of starch that your body can't digest it's called resistant starch and resistant starch. Actually fuels your good bacteria in your gut as a byproduct of that that spins off something called butyric acid actually helps seal the lining of your guts and we know what leaky gut is a big thing these days. People who want to lose weight, unripened bananas are a great choice.

2. Apple

An Apple why I like it is because again it's a low glycemic fruit. It's a fruit that doesn't have a huge amount of sugar content. So it's not gonna spike your blood sugar and then we're not gonna have that storage issue right well from insulin. I don't know why they put somebody stickers on these fruits it's crazy. So apples are awesome because they are low glycemic they're loaded with water. They taste great at least. I also like Honey Crisp, it is really good great because they're a very good source of pectin which is the soluble fiber inside and the insoluble fiber outside. Both of those fibers are really important because you're gonna bind to toxins. They're gonna bind to a lot of the metabolize hormones that your liver is dealing with on a daily basis and remove. A lot of that stuff out of your system is your poop making losing weight a lot more easy. So apples are awesome but avoid apple juice okay there's a big difference as I mentioned a few moments ago.

3. Strawberry

Another one of my favorites strawberries Strawberries are terrific because again here's the trend low glycemic. They're not high in sugar very high in antioxidants and they taste good so you can add these in the smoothies. You can do all sorts of cool stuff and pretty much all berries strawberries.

4. Blueberry

This is the container at least what's left of it blueberries are tremendous as well because blueberries are packed with again tons of antioxidants. Like all berries are very low on the glycemic index so they're not gonna spike your blood sugar. So think of blood sugar spiked with fat gain that's the connection anything you eat that's gonna spice. Your blood sugar is gonna lead to fat being stored which is not what we want. So those things choose that when you look at berries. We look at the dark colors right, so we see these dark blue purplish blueberries. And in the skin the tannin of the berry where a lot of the antioxidant properties are this is where a lot of the health benefits come from is these dark colors the Purple's the dark blues. The next fruit is same idea these dark Reds the dark blues and purples have amazing healing properties they fight inflammation. They load your body up with antioxidants that fight off free radical damage to reduce aging and they just help your body function better when your body is getting the nutrients that it requires. It doesn't need to eat as much and when you don't need to eat as much then you have a lesser chance of gaining weight right so berries are tremendous.

5. Cherry

Cherries are an incredible fruit because again low glycemic deep dark red which means huge amounts of antioxidants which are gonna be good for so many different things inside the body. They taste freakin awesome right just be careful you don't swallow the pits because the next day they're complaining their stomach hurts. So don't make that mistake but I think you're a little bit more a little bit more intelligence than a four-year-old.

So these are the five fruits that are tremendous for your health. They're not gonna spike your blood sugar. They're gonna help in any kind of healthy weight loss program and I would not be scared of these. So if people say hey you should avoid fruit. Whatever the fruits do you want to avoid or the things like the mangoes, the pineapples, the very sweet ripened bananas. You don't want to overdo that stuff because it's very high in sugar. Again if you're a very athletic and active those are okay but for most people tone down the fruit consumption and focus on the non sweet fruit. As I call them that are low glycemic high and nutrient value high in antioxidants and your body will just feel amazing as a result of that.

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