Top 9 foods High in Antioxidants

Top 9 foods High in Antioxidants

Top 9 foods High in Antioxidants

Many of us eat foods for various health reasons, but do you ever eat them specifically for the antioxidant benefits? Antioxidants are compounds that block the oxidation process, which allows free radicals to spread within your system and cause damage to cells. When oxidation is slowed down or stopped, it can reduce your chances of disease. Most notably heart disease and cancer. Today I will recommend 9 foods with the highest amount of antioxidants. Let's increase your wellness from berries to nuts even chocolate, we're talking all that and more.

Top 9 foods High in Antioxidants

1. Raspberries

Raspberries are a terrific source of antioxidants. So terrific, we just had to start our list with them. A raspberry's Vitamin C content is enough to make you stand back and think, I need a little more of this in my life. Did you know that just half a cup of raspberry contains 27% of your daily Vitamin C intake? This nutrient protects your immune system, while fighting off various diseases. Vitamin C can even slow down the aging process, as your skin will not wrinkle as quickly. Along with Vitamin C, raspberries also carry a powerful flavonoid known as anthocyanins. This helps lower oxidative stress and inflammation from taking your body over, eventually lowering your risk of heart disease. If you're not a raspberry enthusiast, try this on for size. One study from 2010 focused on a test tube carrying cancerous cells. In the end, 90% of the stomach, breast and colon cancer cells were killed off by the antioxidants from raspberries. This is all the more reason to pick up a serving from the grocery store.

2. Red Cabbage

This may be a left turn, but red cabbage has some of the same antioxidant effects as raspberries, plus more! While it may not be blessed with the same sweet taste raspberries enjoy, it's still a wise food choice. Red cabbage has more than four times the amount of antioxidants as regular cabbage. 85% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C is found in a single cup of red cabbage. Not only does it contain great Vitamin C content, red cabbage also has lots of Vitamin A. This nutrient helps to improve your vision, as well as cleanse the immune system. Anthocyanins are also available in red cabbage, boosting the condition of your heart. Before hearing this, red cabbage may not have been a welcome addition to your dinner plate. We're sure hoping it is now though. We're well aware that red cabbage isn't exactly a treat in most households.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries are among the most popular fruits out there, but the strength of their numerous antioxidants remains underappreciated. Just a single cup carries 149% of your daily intake of Vitamin C. Now that's a healthy immune system. One serving packs more Vitamin C than a whole orange. The anthocyanins found in strawberries help lower your level of LDL. This stands for low-density lipoprotein, also known as bad cholesterol. It is then replaced with HDL, high-density lipoprotein, which is referred to as good cholesterol. So if you don't already have a serving of strawberries waiting in your refrigerator, make sure you snag some on your next visit to the supermarket.

4. Artichoke

You may not be as familiar with artichokes as strawberries or cabbage, but I assure you it's a food to watch out for in the antioxidant department. These funny looking green veggies actually play an important role in history. Containing a bunch of the contents we have discussed already, artichokes were used in ancient times as a cure for jaundice. It's liquid extract has also been documented to assist the liver in cell regeneration. In the medical world, artichokes are well-known for their high concentration of chlorogenic acid. This antioxidant has been shown to reduce inflammation and lower your risk of diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Now I understand that artichoke isn't your first choice in a healthy vegetable. But if any of your medical concerns involve your heart and blood pressure, or cancer, artichoke is a must-have.

5. Walnuts

If you have any knowledge on the topic of antioxidants, you had to have known at least one type of nut would appear sooner or later. Walnuts have the highest amount of antioxidants among all nuts. Twice as many in fact. The polyphenols in walnuts essentially go to war against the free radicals in your body. The walnut's ellagic acid content reduces your risk of various cancers and heart disease. Several more walnut antioxidants work to improve your heart health. These include cetachin and melatonin. While roasting them over the campfire does seem tempting, this is actually not the way to go. If you are going to eat walnuts, make sure you eat them raw and uncooked. Heating up walnuts reduces the effects of the antioxidants. This is just a word of advice for those looking to step up their health game! Are you enjoying this so far? Let's keep things rolling with another fun food that you enjoy.

6. Dark Chocolate

While some prefer milk chocolate, dark chocolate is more of a friend to us than we like to give credit. Remember LDL and HDL? Dark chocolate works with your cholesterol and lowers oxidative stress in order to reduce your risk of heart disease. Dark chocolate is rich in polyphenols and catechins. In fact, dark chocolate's antioxidant value is greater than that of some fruits. Flavanols found in dark chocolate improve your flow of blood as well as the elasticity of your arteries. This decreases your blood pressure and improves the health of your heart. So the next time you have the choice between milk chocolate and dark, hopefully this list will serve as a good enough reference. If you're not a chocolate person, no worries. This next one is almost impossible to resist.

7. Blueberries

This is another amazing berry no health junky should be going without. Blueberries contain the highest amount of antioxidants among fruits and vegetables. You saw your grandfather pick them when you were a kid. Now it's your turn. Antioxidants found in blueberries delay the natural decline in cognitive function that happens as you age. This is when your brain is no longer able to operate as sharply as it did years before, often leading to dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Blueberry's anthocyanins also work to reduce your risk of heart disease. There are just so many benefits for blueberries to offer. If you're looking for a fun outdoor activity this summer, grab a basket and pick some out.

8. Spinach

Most of the people don't love or like these spinach. But if you have looked cartoon then Popeye eat this and you know what happen then. Popeye's favourite food is an antioxidant treasure chest! Spinach fights against free radicals and repairs your eyesight from any damage that may have been done. You have the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin to thank for this. They work to defend your eyes from cataracts and degeneration, stopping you from going blind. Eating spinach regularly can also reduce the risk of cancer, specifically breast and prostate. In one study from 2010, consumption of spinach slowed down the growth of a tumour. So if you're reluctant to revisit this not so pleasant-looking food item, you may want to review the evidence. Spinach dominates free radicals and fights some of the worst diseases! That should be their ad at every grocery store.

9. Kale

First spinach, now kale? But don't worry this is important for you. On lists of the most nutrient-dense foods from around the world, kale usually appears near the top. Red Russian kale has double the amount of the normal green type. Not only does a single cup of kale carry 134% of your RDI for Vitamin C, it holds power from antioxidants you've never even heard of. Kale contains antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol, which are extremely potent. When free radicals come into contact with them, it's doubtful they stand a chance. These reduce inflammation, protect your heart, lower your blood pressure and reduce the odds of cancer.

Do you eat any of these foods? If not then you should after reading this.

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